PAGANINI Ultrasound Workshop Master Course ,,HAND & WRIST” by Carlo Martinoli

8 czerwca 2021 by TMS

Language: The official language of the Workshop is English.

The course is addressed to:

  • MSK Radiologists 
  • All physicians, residents interested in MSK diagnostics, including rheumatologists, orthopaedic surgeons, rehabilitants, physiotherapists, sport physician, orthopaedists

PAGANINI ULTRASOUND WORKSHOP consists two sections: course & workshop (hands-on training).

The workshop will include simultaneous presentation of PowerPoint slides and a live demo with the US Canon i800 machine – equipped with the 18MHz, 22MHz hockeystick, 24 MHz matrix and 33MHz probes – placed on the podium. A video camera will film the probe position during live scanning and the clinical maneuvers.

The presentation would be systematic, including anatomy, biomechanics, scanning technique and pathology, from basic concepts to very advanced applications.

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